One of the most common questions asked by members of the cryptocurrency community is where is the best place to buy cryptocurrencies? The most common answer is: in a stationary exchange office or on an online exchange. However, the more inquisitive might ask: How are the transactions in these places different? Which one will offer a more advantageous offer? We will try to answer these issues in this article!
The final rate of both fiat (traditional) and digital currencies is primarily the result of the actions of political and economic factors. This does not mean, however, that a given person is deprived of agency when it comes to influencing the price of a specific asset. It all comes down to knowing the subject and getting to know the specifics of the places where it is possible to carry out a cryptocurrency transaction.
A cryptocurrency exchange is often the first choice when it comes to a platform to buy cryptocurrencies. It is hardly surprising when we talk about convenience on several levels: a transaction can be made from anywhere in the world and at any time (interestingly, trading on traditional exchanges takes place only at fixed hours and days), and the process of its execution is maximum simplified. All you need to do is register an account, fund it with your traditional currency and choose your preferred digital one.
It is worth noting that the user can make purchases using the indirect sales model. Then he makes an offer indicating in which he selects the cryptocurrency, its quantity and the optimal price. If approved, it can cut to the chase.
How are cryptocurrency rates on the stock exchange shaped? The most important thing is to understand that the stock exchange is not in fact a direct seller of currencies, but an intermediary in this sale. All transactions carried out within it are nothing but contracts concluded between users. Therefore, the rate is not determined by the platform, but by its customers. This does not mean, however, that the stock exchange does not monitor the rate. On the contrary, it cares for the safe course of currency conversion thanks to the system that segregates offers and redirects the customer to those that currently best respond to his inquiry.
There is a large group of people who keep cryptocurrencies on an exchange wallet, but at the same time do not have an internet account in any Polish bank. This attitude echoes the opinion that the author of this article heard recently on the Internet. And it was as follows:
“One of the last forms of freedom these days is cash.”
So where to buy cryptocurrencies for PLN when we do not want to use “electronic money” for this purpose? Cryptocurrency exchange offices are the solution!
In times of ubiquitous digitization, fixed-line services are often underestimated. Of course, there is no point in depreciating online exchanges, given their many advantages. Nevertheless, the exchange office seems to be the right place for people who count on a high-quality service like no other place. The more that their number in Poland is gradually increasing, which can be seen, among others thanks to the Kanga network of exchange offices.
People who are just starting their adventure with cryptocurrencies may have a problem with operating the exchange, regardless of the ease of use implemented there. What’s worse, the support is usually an automated bot with answers to only some of the predetermined questions. When visiting an exchange office, we deal with a physical employee who will help the client complete the transaction from the beginning to the end. In addition, such a visit may become a contribution to a conversation about the crypto industry and obtain valuable information about its current state.
But what about the amount of the odds? What prices will apply in a given exchange office depends on one regulating body – the owner. It works as follows: when a customer buys a cryptocurrency at an exchange office, the cryptocurrency exchange distributes it to the exchange office, charging a commission for it. This, in combination with the amounts given by the stock exchange, shapes the rates of digital currencies in the case of exchange offices.
Which service we will use to buy cryptocurrencies will only be an individual preference. Nevertheless, it is worth being aware of the advantages offered by both cryptocurrency exchanges and exchange offices. Only then can we be sure that the transaction will be beneficial for us.
Thank you for reading! For the first 10 people who came here and make the transaction in the exchange office, they enter the code “AUTUMN”, it will reduce its value by 0.5%!